Welcome! I recently graduated from the University of Florida with my PhD in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation.
I am fascinated by the diversity and complexity of natural systems. As a community ecologist working predominantly with plants I use community phylogenetic methods to describe and understand why do we see, what we see, where we see it. In my work I am passionate about:
Recent News
January 2023 I will continue to work with the Terrestrial Habitat Research team at the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, a division of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission.
May 2022 I will be working for the Institute for Regional Conservation as their Biodiversity Conservation Fellow. In this position I will be facilitating a 20-year review of the Rare Plants of South Florida, a 2002 treatise on the regions most imperiled plant species.
May 2022 I will be working for the Institute for Regional Conservation as their Biodiversity Conservation Fellow. In this position I will be facilitating a 20-year review of the Rare Plants of South Florida, a 2002 treatise on the regions most imperiled plant species.